Wreaths Across America 2018

Preparation for wreath laying
Wreaths 2018

LASLVC - Southeast Louisiana Veterans Cemetery 's Home Page Album

Volunteers place a wreath on every grave as they say the name of the veteran and honor their service.
Homepage Photo for LASLVC

Wreaths placed on the Columbarium to remember and honor those veterans.
Homepage Photo for LASLVC

Marine Wreath during ceremony
Homepage Photo for LASLVC

Patriot Guard Riders carrying wreaths into the cemetery
Homepage Photo for LASLVC

Captain Sucato speaking for the ceremony
Homepage Photo for LASLVC

Wreath presentation ceremony
Homepage Photo for LASLVC

Wreath presentation ceremony
Homepage Photo for LASLVC

Wreaths place at the Columbarium to honor and remember each of those buried here
Homepage Photo for LASLVC

Families of loved ones place wreaths during our 2017 ceremony
Families Placing Wreaths
Album from St. Tammany Chapter NSDAR: Southeast Louisiana Veterans Cemetery

Wreaths Across America - St. Tammany Chapter NSDAR

St. Tammany Chapter NSDAR
St. Tammany Chapter NSDAR, Slidell, LA

St. Tammany Chapter NSDAR laying a wreath Memorial Day - SELA Veterans Cemetery

St. Tammany Chapter NSDAR - Wreath laying Memorial Day, SELA Veterans Cemetery, Slidell, LA

St. Tammany Chapter NSDAR - WAA SELA Veterans Cemetery, Slidell, LA

St. Tammany Chapter NSDAR - WAA, SELA Veterans Cemetery, Slidell, LA

St. Tammany Chapter, WAA, SELA Veterans Cemetery, Slidell, LA
Album from Homer-Williams VFW Post 8720: 2019 Wreaths Across America



Hats off


Start of laying the wreaths


Album from Lockheed Martin: 2023 Wreath-Laying Ceremonies



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