Wreaths Across America 12/14/2024 Ceremony

Ceremony Location


Daughters of the American Revolution - Regent

Daughters of the American Revolution Group Picture
Snake River Canyon National Cemetery

1st Annual Wreath Retirement Day, Jan 18, 2020

Dec 2019 - view of West End Cemetery across the road

Dec 2019 - new sign and fence

Hero Remembered
2020 SRCNC hero remembered

2020 wreaths placed
2020 SRCNC wreaths view east

2020 SRCNC wreaths
2020 SRCNC Wreaths view west

December 19, 2020 fresh balsam ceremonial wreaths with US, military branch, and POW/MIA flags were placed by volunteers prior to remembering all individual veterans with a sponsored wreath.
2020 SRCNC Ceremonial Wreaths
Scenic Magic Valley

Perrine Bridge and Canyon snow

Perrine Bridge mirrored

Perrine Bridge fogged under

Shoshone Falls in December

Shoshone Falls rainbow

Shoshone Falls and the Snake River

Perrine Bridge and base jumper

Perrine Bridge

Perrine Bridge and Snake River wake

Perrine Bridge frosty morning

Shoshone Falls low flow rainbow

Perrine Bridge light snow

Perrine Bridge deep blue Snake River
Album from Daughters of the American Revolution, Twin Falls Chapter: DAR News

May 4, 2019 our new Executive Board Members were sworn in.
DAR Twin Falls Chapter Officers 2019-2021

May 4, 2019
Board Member Installation

DAR logo - full color black text
Album from Daughters of the American Revolution, Twin Falls Chapter: Filer Cemetery

Filer IOOF Lodge Memorial

White crosses, made and placed by volunteers, mark each veteran grave.
Filer Cemetery

We Honor These Heroes Who Made The Ultimate Sacrifice For Their Country
World War II Memorial at Filer Cemetery

Filer Cemetery entrance

Veteran Memorial at Filer Cemetery

Filer Cemetery, Memorial Day 2019

Filer Cemetery May 2019

Veteran Graves at Filer Cemetery, Memorial Day 2019

Filer Cemetery, Memorial Day 2019
DAR Sponsoring Wreaths
Album from Daughters of the American Revolution, Twin Falls Chapter: Wreaths Across America Magic Valley Events

KSU 10am; Free BBQ 12:30pm

Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the war in Vietnam, for 13 consecutive years, and honoring each of those who didn't come home with a flag of remembrance. Flags place by Twin Falls Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution.
Twin Falls Vietnam Memorial decorated with flags

In City Park sponsoring wreaths for fallen veterans who rest at Filer Cemetery and West End Cemetery. Sponsored wreaths will be placed on veteran graves on national Wreath Day, December 14, 2019. Please join us in sponsoring a wreath, and sharing this page with a friend or business.
Twin Falls DAR Booth at Vietnam Veterans Homecoming

Memorial Day Wreath Sponsorships at Filer Cemetery 2019
Album from Daughters of the American Revolution, Twin Falls Chapter: Snake River Canyon National Cemetery

August 2019 - columns at the main entrance to our new national cemetery!

August 2019 - the flag poles are up!

August 2019 - first asphalt being poured in the first excavated circle.