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Name Needed
Name Needed,
Posted by: Gayle Hughes - Kentucky Circle K Family
Posted by: Gayle Hughes - Kentucky Circle K Family
In loving memory of Deborah Tanner. Lauren your wreaths made it to Kentucky.! May God continue to give you strength through this difficult time. ????
Ernest Everett Edge, Army
Ernest Everett Edge, Army, Private
Born 10/25/1926
Passed on 5/18/1951
Posted by: Denzil Edge
Born 10/25/1926
Passed on 5/18/1951
Posted by: Denzil Edge
Ernest Everett Edge was named after his father (Ernest Edge) and his uncle (Everett Hughes). He was the second son in a family of 12. His older brother, George William Edge was killed in action on November 26, 1944 in Longesville, France. He was a member of Patton's 3rd Army. Ernest Everett was a member of the 23rd Regiment 2nd Army Division. He was killed during the battle of the May Massacre from May 16 to May 20, 1951.
Bertram F Crawford, Winston H Hall, William H McCown, Air Force
Bertram F Crawford, Winston H Hall, William H McCown, Air Force, TSgt, 2nd Lt., 2nd Lt.
Passed on 11/26/1943
Passed on 11/26/1943
In remembrance of all the brave young men who so gallantly fought evil and gave their lives for future generations to have the freedoms we have today. May they never be forgotten.
Lester Catt, Army
Lester Catt, Army
Posted by: Bonnie A.
Posted by: Bonnie A.
In memory of my loving father and his three brothers (Army WWII).
In memory of the WWII brave young men that lost their lives and rest eternally together.
Posted by: Paula R.
Richard Wilson Cooper Jr
4th Marine Division
Posted by: Ida S.
Samuel K Long
Private 1st Class
Posted by: Wilmetta M.
Hughie McPherson
Technician 5th Gr.
(Group Grave) Bertram Crawford + 2, Air Force
(Group Grave) Bertram Crawford + 2, Air Force, TSgt
Passed on 11/26/1943
Passed on 11/26/1943
Remembering WWII heroes
William B Stantial, Air Force
William B Stantial, Air Force, 2Lt
Passed on 11/26/1943
Passed on 11/26/1943
Remembering our WWII heroes
(Group Grave) Marion Anderson +3, Air Force
(Group Grave) Marion Anderson +3, Air Force, SSgt
Passed on 4/5/1944
Posted by: Bonnie A.
Passed on 4/5/1944
Posted by: Bonnie A.
Remembering our WWII heroes.