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Wreaths Across America's Trucking Tributes Presents Doyle Evans and Stone Belt Freight

Professional drivers and trucking companies give so much to the nation. Without them, the Wreaths Across America mission to remember, honor, and teach would be nearly impossible. Veterans’ wreaths move by planes, trains, ships, and livestock trailers, but trucks and their professional drivers transport the lion’s share of America's respect. In 2024, to be specific, 800 truckloads of wreaths were delivered, representing 350 different carriers and partners.

In November and December, one of the busiest periods of the year for the transportation sector, the Wreaths Across America mission brings drivers together in an effort of unparalleled unity. With a positive, “can-do” work ethic, these professionals make it possible for Americans to honor millions of veterans laid to rest at home and overseas. In 2024, with over 4,909 participating locations, in addition to Arlington National Cemetery, transportation logistics were immense.

Many of these drivers are military veterans and say the truckload of fresh balsam-fir wreaths is the most precious cargo they transport in their careers. Wreaths Across America shares their stories in the “Trucking Tributes” feature online and on Wreaths Across America Radio.

Doyle Evans is a U.S. Army Veteran and professional driver for Stone Belt Freight Lines, out of Indiana. “I always wanted to drive a truck,” Doyle shared. “I thought I’d do that in my military service but that just didn’t arise.”

Doyle was motivated to wear the uniform of our nation because of the example set for him. “My grandpa, father, and brother all served,“ he explained. Doyle started out in Fort Knox in Kentucky for basic training as a tank mechanic. “I was shipped to Bamberg, Germany to the 2/2 Armored Calvary Unit and spent four months in Bamberg before we were shipped to Saudia Arabia for Desert Storm. In April we came back and then my unit was deactivated. So, I went from Bamberg to the 4th Battalion, First Armored Division in Frankfort, Germany and finished out my four years.”

After separating from the Army, Doyle tried out a few factory jobs but wasn’t satisfied so he applied to the trucking industry and has been driving for twenty-seven years. “The time on the road can be lonely sometimes but it’s what keep us going. I like serving our country by providing the products Americans need, safely.”

Doyle’s job with Stone Belt Freight Lines involves the transportation of limestone and he recalled a few special deliveries throughout his driving career. “After 9-11 hit, I provided the limestone for the walls that were damaged at the Pentagon, and I took limestone that was used to replace the walls around the White House too. Stone Belt is a great company to work for. They’re very family oriented.”

Doyle learned about Wreaths Across America and its mission working for Stone Belt. He’s hauled America’s respect as a member of the Honor Fleet for three years. The experience touched Doyle so profoundly that he decided to ramp up his involvement beyond hauling the veterans’ wreaths. “It’s been a great honor and last year I got to deliver to cemeteries where my grandparents and parents are buried. Now I’m a location coordinator for Shiloh cemetery In Jasper, Indianna, and we’ve got eight more participating locations coming on board in 2025.”

While in Maine, not only did Doyle visit the wreath-making factory and learn the symbolism behind each balsam fir bouquet that goes into a veteran’s wreath but he was also able to place replica dog tags on the tipland in Columbia Falls, Maine as part of the free Wreaths Across America Remembrance Tree program.

Thank you, Doyle, for your service to our country, and Stone Belt for supporting the mission to remember, honor and teach.

If you’d like to join the Wreaths Across America Honor Fleet, you can get started with a click right here!

You can hear more with Doyle on Trucking Tributes, which can be listened to every Truckin’ Tuesday at 11:00 AM and again at 4:00 PM EST on Wreaths Across America Radio and Wednesday at 8:30 AM EST as part of RadioNemo on Sirius XM Channel 146, Road Dog Trucking.”

Discover the Trucking Tributes archive playlist on Soundcloud.com