Remember Messages

Posted by: National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Captain John Joslin Jr Chapter
My twenty Patriots proven through the NSDAR who fought and/or supported the American Revolution and began building this wonderful Country of us whose Constitution is based on Freedom, Justice, and Equality. Hats off to them for their service.
John McKeon, Jr., Army
John McKeon, Jr., Army
Posted by: National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Captain John Joslin Jr Chapter
John J. McKeon, Jr. who actively served in the Army from January 1967 to December, 1969 at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.
Henry Putnam
Henry Putnam
Posted by: National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Captain John Joslin Jr Chapter
Henry Putnam who fought in the American Revolution and died at the age of 53 in Monotomy April 6l, 1775.
Posted by: National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Captain John Joslin Jr Chapter
Two wreaths in memory of my great grandmother, Annie Florence Haley Morse and her sister, Elizabeth Ellen Parson Haley Doyle. They joined the NSDAR Chapter of Captain John Joslin, Jr. in 1903. They were both from a military family and had patriots who fought in the American Revolution.
Captain John Joslin, Jr.
Captain John Joslin, Jr.
Posted by: Sharon Bouchard
Captain John Joslin, Jr. born on September 17, 1735 in Lancaster, Massachusetts and died on September 6, 1810 in Leominster, Massachusetts. The namesake of the Captain John Joslin, Jr. Chapter NSDAR