Wreaths Across America Day '24

HWA Chapter recycled bows from WAA '24 to make a wreath to celebrate Presidents' Day '25 which was displayed at City Park, Fort Payne, AL!
WAA in Fort Payne, AL '23

Times Journal Article re: Businesses Participating in WAA '23
Times Journal Article re: Businesses Participating in WAA '23

Business Sponsors: Brown's Cleaning & Laundry, Southern Properties, Drs Vizzinia & Baugh DMD
Business Sponsors: Brown's Cleaning & Laundry, Southern Properties, Drs Vizzinia & Baugh DMD

Business Sponsors: Vintage 1889, Dixie Salvage, First Southern State Bank<div><br></div>
Business Sponsors: Vintage 1889, Dixie Salvage, First Southern State Bank

Business Sponsors: Carter's Beverages, Wilson Funeral Home, Tyler Griggs/Agent Alfa Ins, Ben-Mar Hosiery
Business Sponsors: Carter's Beverages, Wilson Funeral Home, Tyler Griggs/Agent Alfa Ins, Ben-Mar Hosiery

Business Sponsors: Parker's Cleaners, Bargain Depot, Traci's Flowers & Gifts
Business Sponsors: Parker's Cleaners, Bargain Depot, Traci's Flowers & Gifts

WAA Business Sponsors: Myrtle Jane's and DeKalb Animal Hospital
WAA Business Sponsors: Myrtle Jane's and DeKalb Animal Hospital

Hannah White Arnett Members Participating in WAA FLag Waving Day<div><br></div>
Hannah White Arnett Members Participating in WAA FLag Waving Day

VFW members participating in Flag Waving Day
VFW members participating in Flag Waving Day

AL Speaker of the House, Nathaniel Ledbetter, gave a business sponsorship. Shown, is a member of his staff with a HWA member.
AL Speaker of the House, Nathaniel Ledbetter, gave a business sponsorship. Shown, is a member of his staff with a HWA member.

DeKalb Co VFW and Dekalb Co VFW Auxiliary Post 3128 jointly presented a wreath sponsorship for over 88 wreaths!
DeKalb Co VFW and Dekalb Co VFW Auxiliary Post 3128 jointly presented a wreath sponsorship for over 88 wreaths!

Times-Journal article published 11/15/23 featuring WAA Day event in Fort Payne, AL<div><br></div>
Times-Journal article published 11/15/23 featuring WAA Day event in Fort Payne, AL

Nucor-Vulcraft Alabama presents a Corporate Wreath Sponsorship to HWA members
Nucor-Vulcraft Alabama presents a Corporate Wreath Sponsorship to HWA members

'23 wreath goal met by Hannah White Arnett Chapter/VFW Post 3128 in Fort Payne, AL!

Banners placed at Patriots Memorial Park for Corporate/Business Sponsors
Banners placed at Patriots Memorial Park for Corporate/Business Sponsors

WAA sign placed at Glenwood Cemetery
WAA sign placed at Glenwood Cemetery

8 HWA members, 2 HODARs and 7 Fort Payne HS Key Club volunteers flagged the veterans markers at Glenwood Cemetery
8 HWA members, 2 HODARs and 7 Fort Payne HS Key Club volunteers flagged the veterans markers at Glenwood Cemetery

WAA Location Coordinators, Linda Jones & Scott Azbell, presenting a Welcome Bag to Jeff our truck driver from Harris Teeter
WAA Location Coordinators, Linda Jones & Scott Azbell, presenting a Welcome Bag to Jeff our truck driver from Harris Teeter

Unloading our wreath delivery of 60 boxes = 720 wreaths!
Unloading our wreath delivery of 60 boxes = 720 wreaths!

The "Fluff" Crew
The "Fluff" Crew

60 boxes accounted for!
60 boxes accounted for!

22 HWA/VFW volunteers participated in wreath delivery!<div><br></div>
22 HWA/VFW volunteers participated in wreath delivery!

HWA members attending the Memorial Ceremony at Patriots Memorial Park
HWA members attending the Memorial Ceremony at Patriots Memorial Park

VFW members attending the Memorial Cememony at Patriots Memorial Park
VFW members attending the Memorial Cememony at Patriots Memorial Park

HODARs (Husbands of DAR) at Patriots Memorial Park
HODARs (Husbands of DAR) at Patriots Memorial Park

Fort Payne HS Color Guard
Fort Payne HS Color Guard

Fort Payne HS Key Club volunteers
Fort Payne HS Key Club volunteers

Nu Alpha Chi Chapter NACC volunteers
Nu Alpha Chi Chapter NACC volunteers

Scott Azbell, Emcee
Scott Azbell, Emcee

Emcee Scott Azbell welcomes and thanks sponsors, guests and volunteers.
Emcee Scott Azbell welcomes and thanks sponsors, guests and volunteers.

Color Guard presenting the colors
Color Guard presenting the colors

Mentone Scout Troop 106 led the Pledge of Allegiance
Mentone Scout Troop 106 led the Pledge of Allegiance

VFW Auxiliary President, Elizabeth Azbell, sang "The Star Spangled Banner."
VFW Auxiliary President, Elizabeth Azbell, sang "The Star Spangled Banner."

Diane Hill, HWA DAR Service to Veterans Chair, presents wreaths to veterans to place at flags for Army, Marines, Air Force, Space Force
Diane Hill, HWA DAR Service to Veterans Chair, presents wreaths to veterans to place at flags for Army, Marines, Air Force, Space Force

HWA member, Paula Beegle, presents wreaths to veterans to place at flags for Navy, Coast Guard, Fire & Police Depts.
HWA member, Paula Beegle, presents wreaths to veterans to place at flags for Navy, Coast Guard, Fire & Police Depts.

Veterans placing the wreaths at the flags of the branches of the military, fire & police depts.
Veterans placing the wreaths at the flags of the branches of the military, fire & police depts.

HWA Regent Lynn Hixon receives the wreath to be placed at the POW/MIAs flag.
HWA Regent Lynn Hixon receives the wreath to be placed at the POW/MIAs flag.

9 Ceremonial Wreaths placed at Patriots Memorial Park
9 Ceremonial Wreaths placed at Patriots Memorial Park

Memorial wreaths placed at the flags for Army, Marines, Air Force, Space Force, Navy, Coast Guard, Fire Dept, Police Dept.
Memorial wreaths placed at the flags for Army, Marines, Air Force, Space Force, Navy, Coast Guard, Fire Dept, Police Dept.

Volunteers receiving remembrance wreaths to place at over 644 veterans markers at Glenwood Cemetery
Volunteers receiving remembrance wreaths to place at Glenwood Cemetery

Wreath Retirement Day at Glenwood Cemetery, Fort Payne, AL 1/11/24

Volunteers at Wreath Retirement Day, Jan. 11, 2024

WAA Certificate of Appreciation presented to Southern Torch by HWA member, Pat C.

WAA Cert of Appreciation '23 presented to Fort Payne Chamber of Commerce

WAA Cert of Apprec '23 presented to Dek Co VFW Post 3128 by HWA members

WAA Certificate of Apprec '23 presented to Dek Co VFW Auxiliary Post 3128 by HWA members.
WAA News, Fort Payne, AL, 2022

Times-Journal article - Dec. 14, 2022

Giving in July Times-Journal article-7/22

Times-Journal photo from the Third Sat Sunset Cruise-In, July 2022, Fort Payne, AL

HWA & VFW announce WAA event for Dec. 17, 2022

The City of Fort Payne, AL, presents a check to HWA and VFW to sponsor wreaths!

Times-Journal WAA article & photos for WAA Day - Dec. 21, 2022

Volunteers shown in Times-Journal Dec. 21, 2022

WAA Memorial Ceremony, Patriots Memorial Park, Times-Journal, Dec. 21, 2022
WAA Ceremony, Fort Payne, AL 2022

Memorial Wreaths ready for presentation

HWA promoting Giving in July at 3rd Sat. Sunset Cruise-In, Fort Payne, AL

Giving in July Times-Journal article-7/22

VFW DeKalb County Fair-Sept. 2022

HWA members, Ann G & Judy O, promoting WAA at VFW Dekalb Co Fair Week, Fort Payne, AL

HWA members Debbie B & Dona H manning the WAA booth at the VFW Dekalb Co Fair

HWA members Debbie B & Dona H manning the WAA booth at the VFW Dekalb Co Fair

HWA members Debbie B & Dona H manning the WAA booth at the VFW Dekalb Co Fair

Wreaths Across America sign at HWA fair booth

VFW DeKalb Co Fair view from Ferris Wheel

FP City Council presents check to HWA & VFW to sponsor wreaths

Goal met plus 50!

Flagging crew at Glenwood Cemetery prior to WAA Day

Hannah White Arnett Chapter members who helped flag ,markers at Glenwood Cemetery

Patriots Memorial Park ready for WAA Day - 2022

HWA Chapter Regent displaying the HWA/VFW banner at Patriots Memorial Park

WAA Location Coordinator displaying the business sponsors banner

First State Bank, business sponsor, displayed WAA Day on their sign.

Harris Teeter delivered 75 boxes of wreaths to the VFW building.

HWA Chapter & VFW Post members unloaded boxes, prepared ceremonial wreaths and handed out wreaths to individuals.

Hannah White Arnett Chapter members with ASDAR State Regent at Patriots Memorial Park

Fort Payne Mayor; VFW WAA Co-coordinator/Emcee; ASDAR Regent; HWA Regent; WAA Location Coordinator

Fort Payne HS JROTC ready to Post the Colors

Cub Scout Troop ready to volunteer

FPHS Key Club & NHS volunteers

Welcoming guests; Posting of Colors; Pledge of Allegiance; National Anthem

HWA Treasurer ready to present wreaths; presenting the 1st wreath to VFW Commander

HWA Chapter Regent presenting POW/MIA wreath to ASDAR State Regent

Volunteers laying wreaths at Glenwood Cemetery

ASDAR State Regent & HWA Chapter Regent

HWA members laying wreaths
MEE, Fort Payne, AL, Mar. 19, 2022

MEE arriving in Fort Payne at 8:00am; parked in front of the Rotary Pavilion

MEE Ambassadors: Jennifer & Stefan

Hannah White Arnett MEE Coordinators: Diane, Ann, Linda

Ann, Diane, Marilyn, Linda @ HWA tent/table

Marilyn, Jennifer, Pat @ WAA table

MEE Interior: video area, Thank You wall, visual display

Stefan presenting the WAA history

Memorial Wreath Tribute

Jennifer welcoming Vietnam Veterans

Vietnam Veterans being honored

One of our female veteran attendees; MEE visitor

Veterans being honored

12 Vietnam Veterans received a lapel pin, Proclamation signed by the President, challenge coin and cap

WWII Veteran; Vietnam Veteran presented art/thank you note from student

HWA Volunteers

Veterans who attended

HWA Volunteers: Jessica, Charlotte, Marian

HWA Volunteers: Ann, Dona

Vietnam Veteran honored

Scout helping Stefan & Jennifer present lapel pin, proclamation, challenge coin & cap to Vietnam Veteran
WAA News, Fort Payne, AL, 2021

Glenwood Cemetery, Fort Payne, AL, now official site for WAA 2021

Times Journal article about generous donation from Fort Payne's Mayor and City Council

Times-Journal Article: Wreath Ceremony Dec. 18

HWA Regent, Ann Gilbreath, laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

DeKalb Theatre Marquee showing time/date change for WAA Event in Fort Payne, AL

Photos of wreaths being laid in the Times Jounal
WAA Ceremony, Fort Payne, AL 2021

DeKalb Theatre Marquee showing time/date change for WAA event in Fort Payne, AL

8 Memorial Wreaths will be laid at Patriots Memorial Park, Fort Payne, Al

Individual veterans wreaths will be laid at Glenwood Cemetery, Fort Payne, AL

Fort Payne Mayor & City Council present check to sponsor 566 wreaths!

DeKalb Theatre Marquee showing time/date change for WAA event in Fort Payne, AL

Jeff, Harris Teeter driver, presented gift bag

Harris Teeter driver with HWA, HODAR & VFW volunteers

Harris Teeter wreath delivery; HWA, HODARS & VFW volunteers lining up to unload

Wreath "fluff & pick up" station; photo ops!

HWA, HODAR & VFW volunteers unloading wreaths

Trailer loaded with 68 boxes of 612 wreaths

Hannah White Arnett Chapter welcomes ASDAR Regent Patrice Donnelly

Welcoming Jordan Doufexis representing Sen. Tuberville's office

WAA Ceremony at Patriots Memorial Park

Eight ceremonial wreaths ready to be laid at Patriots Memorial Park

Seven ceremonial wreaths laid for 5 branches of service and the fire & police departments

Ceremonial wreath laid for those listed as POW/MIA

Nu Alpha Chi Chapter members and sponsor from NACC

Members of Fort Payne HS Key Club & National Honor Society

Members of Boy Scout Troop 106

Members of Boy Scout Troop 75

HWA Chapter Regent laid the POW/MIA wreath & wreaths at Glenwood Cemetery; ASDAR Regent laid wreaths at Glenwood

Fort Payne Mayor laid wreaths at Glenwood Cemetery

Wreaths laid at Glenwood Cemetery

Wreaths laid at family veterans' markers

Hannah White Arnett DAR members laying wreaths

Attendees at Patriots Memorial Park 2021 Ceremony
WAA Ceremonies, Fort Payne/Mentone, AL 2020

Glenwood Cemetery

Glenwood Cemetery, Fort Payne, AL

Glenwood Cemetery

Glenwood Cemetery

Glenwood Cemetery

Glenwood Cemetery

Glenwood Cemetery

Glenwood Cemetery

Glenwood Cemetery

Bankhead Cemetery

Bankhead Cemetery

Bankhead Cemetery

Bankhead Cemetery