Sponsor Wreaths

Our Locations

WAMWMP - Miller Woodlawn Memorial Park

Welcome to WAMWMP - Miller Woodlawn Memorial Park and thank you deeply for helping us with our goal to honor as many veterans as possible on Wreaths Across America Day, December 13, 2025 (Wreath Placement Immediately Following Ceremony). Please click "View" to learn more about our effort or to volunteer to help or click "Sponsor" to purchase wreaths that will be laid on the graves of our fallen heroes by our loyal volunteers.

WAIGCB - Ivy Green Cemetery Bremerton

Welcome to WAIGCB and thank you deeply for helping us with our goal to honor as many veterans as possible on Wreaths Across America Day, December 13th. Please click "View" to learn more about our effort or to volunteer to help or click "Sponsor" to purchase wreaths that will be laid on the graves of our fallen heroes by our loyal volunteers.Please help us Remember, Honor, and Teach on 13 December at 0845 at Ivy Green Cemetery in Bremerton or at 1:00 at Bethel Cemetery in Port Orchard by sponsoring a wreath, volunteering, or inviting friends to help. Ceremony will start promptly at those times followed by individual placement of Wreaths on the Veteran's Graves. Following the Ceremony and wreath placement at Bethel Cemetery a short reception will be held at Grace Bible Church in Port Orchard. After the reception we will caravan to the other smaller cemeteries on the outskirts of Port Orchard. Over 1300 wreaths will be placed this year on the graves of the Veterans in 10 Cemeteries in Kitsap County.