Remember Messages

Richard McKenzie, Army
Richard McKenzie, Army, E5 Sergeant
Born 12/30/1939
Passed on 9/13/2020
Posted by: Justin MacKellar
We miss you very much and we will love you forever.
Posted by: Mark S.
SSgt Gerald T. Swigart, US Army, Ohio
Gerald Swigart, Army
Gerald Swigart, Army, S/SGT
Posted by: Mark Swigart
To the Bravest man i ever knew, my Father, 82ABN "All The Way" In life he had silver wings on his chest, In heaven i wonder if his wings are White, Silver or Gold. After all he was a Centurion.
Lee Richard James, SR, Army
Lee Richard James, SR, Army, Staff Sgt
Posted by: S M
In memory of Staff Sgt Lee Richard James, Sr. Thank you for your service.
Morgan Wheeler
Morgan Wheeler
Morgan, We are so proud of you! Thank you for your service! We can't wait to see you when you get home! Stay safe! We Love you! Love, Aunt GIz, Haley, and Tan-Tastic Family
William "Doug" MacKellar
William "Doug" MacKellar, Sergeant
Posted by: Shannon M.
In Memory of Sgt Clyde Wyatt. Thank you for your service. We love and miss you.
Robert "Bob" Sorah
Robert "Bob" Sorah, Sergeant
Posted by: Shannon M.
In Memory of Sgt Robert "Bob" Sorah. Thank you for your service. You are missed and loved by your family.
In Memory and honor of all who have served. Thank you for your service.