Wreaths Across America Shiloh 2023

Shiloh National Military Park Cemetery

Laura Lee Mckellips, NPS Park Guide<br>Julie Huttick, WAA Outreach & Public Relations Representative<br>Shiloh National Military Park<br><p><br></p>
WAA 2023 Location Coordinators

Ceremonial wreaths and interpreter

<p>Wreaths scattered throughout cemetery for placement</p><p><br></p>

Attendees and participants for ceremony and placing 444 wreaths
2023 WAA

<p>WAA Ceremony prior to wreath placement</p><p><br></p>
2023 WAA Attendance

Remembering, Honoring our veterans and their sacrifices and teaching our youth
2023 Participants

444 wreaths placed among the confederate burial trenches and the graves within the cemetery - honoring and remembering all Americans who gave ALL and teaching our youth

Remembering all veterans gone on before us and their sacrifices
Confederate Burial Trench

Michie Cub Scouts and BSA Troop 231 participated in remembering, honoring our veterans that sacrificed ALL - teaching them to remember and honor and teach future generations
Confederate Burial Trench
2023 Wreath Delivery

Awaiting the arrival of our wreaths - SNMP - 444 delivered in 2023
All is Calm All is Bright

Wreaths Across America has arrived in Shiloh, TN
Here they come

Jill and Jason traveled from Wisconsin to Maine to pick up wreaths to drop off in Tennessee at 5 different cemeteries.
The drivers from Wisconsin

2023 arrival from Maine
They're Here

Rolling the boxes out of the semi

37 boxes with 12 wreaths each, 444 wreaths for placement in 2023
Wreaths Awaiting Placement Saturday

Jill and Jason with their gift from location coordinator - a token of thanks for their sacrifice to deliver wreaths from Maine to Shiloh, TN.
The Drivers

Drivers and Location Coordinator
Album from Cardinal Health Remembers- "We are Their Wings": ALL

Album from Cardinal Health Remembers- "We are Their Wings": 2022