Remember Messages

Jose Ortega, Army
Jose Ortega, Army
Posted by: Arlene A.
I’d like to honor my dad who was a proud veteran. We miss you.
Armando Hernandez, Army
Armando Hernandez, Army
Remembering Armando Hernandez who served in View Nam.
Posted by: Marilyn
In Memory of my husband, LCDR. Hugh Sheffield. He was a career Naval pilot who served in Korea and Viet Nam.
Chief Petty Officer Leland Rand, Navy
Chief Petty Officer Leland Rand, Navy
Posted by: Heather Rand
No more a watch to stand old sailor, You are outward bound on an ebbing Tide. Eight bells has rung, and last watch is done. Now a new berth waits you on the other side. Your ship is anchored in God's harbor. And your shipmates, sailors of the Lord. Are mustered on the deck to greet you. And pipe you as you come aboard. Richard John Scarr
Edward Hara
Edward Hara
Posted by: Robyn C.
Dear Lydia, I want to thank you for the opportunity to place a wreath in honor and memory of my father, Edward Joseph Hara. He did not enjoy his time in the air force - especially his time scrubbing floors with a toothbrush in Greenland! - but I'm so glad he served our nation, just like your mama did. He was the best man I've ever known. God took him to heaven when I was only 18. It's been a long time since I've been able to hug his neck! One day, when I go to heaven, I know I'll find him there again. And our life in heaven is eternal. This is a great comfort to me! We have so much to look forward to beyond our earthly pains. And in the meantime, God is SO GOOD to us here, I enjoy what He has us doing here immensely too. Do you know how much Jesus loves me? Ian knew my father for three years before He took him to heaven. What a GREAT kind treasure that is for my family. I know Jesus loves you just as much as He loves me. And I'm eternally grateful He chose to put YOUR family in OUR lives. Love, Your Godmother, Robyn
Posted by: Veena C.
Thank you for your service.
Michael Madrid, Navy
Michael Madrid, Navy
Posted by: Roger Hirsch
Michael Madrid, a good friend killed in Vietnam
THANK YOU! Though you may have left this war-torn world, you have not fought in vain! THANK YOU!
In honor of all our courageous military men and women who have sacrificed so much in serving our Country.
William Hoffman
William Hoffman
Posted by: Lisa S.
In remembrance of my stepfather who died way too young. He still had so much love to give! I miss you!
Thank you to all the young girls who asked for sponsorship's of Wreaths at theSacred Heart Artisan Faire in Saratoga, California. I hope you get lots of donations!
Posted by: Judy S.
Remembering all of the brave members of our military and the many sacrifices they make for our freedom. God Bless you!
Ralph Dixon
Ralph Dixon
Posted by: Cheryl Napier
For my Father and family members who have selflessly served our country
Joshua Akins
Joshua Akins
Posted by: Wendy F.
Joshua Akins - thank you for your service!
Posted by: Jerry R B.
Keep your eyes on Jesus, and not on self! Stay in the Word! He's coming back someday! Let's remain busy serving God and furthering His Kingdom on earth.
May our almighty God bless you for your sacrifice. Thank you for your service!