Remember Messages

Leon Davenport, Army
Leon Davenport, Army
Remembering: Major Leon Davenport U S Army A Brave and Highly decorated Soldier and a Pillar of strength to the Community. Grateful for your service to our Country and to the Community.
James Wickersham, Army
James Wickersham, Army
Thank you for your lasting contribution to America! - US Army; WWII
By Coosa Methodist Church: in memory of the veterans in Coosa Methodist Cemetery and in honor of all of our veterans at Coosa Methodist Church. We are grateful for your service to our country and to our church.
By Antioch Baptist Church: In Memory of the veterans at Antioch Baptist Church Cemetery and in Honor of all our veterans at Antioch Baptist Church. We are grateful for your service to our Country and to our Church
Henry Tanner, Navy
Henry Tanner, Navy
Posted by: Ira W.
In Honor of my Brother Henry L Tanner US Navy
By Smith's Legion Chapter 2699 UDC A Tribute to All Veterans and Service members Thank you for your service to our Country.
By David Haag: To Remember and Honor Major Frank P Haag United States Army and E-3 Lee Haag United States Navy Grateful for your service to our country.
In Memory of Ivan Gordon US Army 1927 - 2000 Thank you for your service to our Country
Remembering Marty Scholler US Army Vietnam
In Honor of:Andrew Miller U S Army Jacob Miller U S Army Thank you for yours Service to our Country.
Mike Wadley, Army
Mike Wadley, Army
Honoring Mike Wadley US Army
Carl Kunz, Army
Carl Kunz, Army
In Honor of Carl J Kunz US Army / Coast Guard, thank you for serving our country By Derek and Nancy
William Bruno, Army
William Bruno, Army
In Honor of William E Bruno U S Army Thank you for serving our country. by Derek and Nancy
Frank Ford, Army
Frank Ford, Army
Remembering Frank Ford Jr, U S Army WWII. 2nd Infantry, CO C, 304 Reg, Infantry combat scout. Founding member Blairsville, Ga Chapter 11 DAV, Founding member NGHG . Also along with his wife (Flo) founder of Holly Hill Cemetery, a mostly veteransncemetery. Supporter of the community and veterans for many years. Thank you for your service.
Flo Ford, Army
Flo Ford, Army
Honoring Florence (Flo) Ford US Army WWII veteran. Founding member of DAVn Chapter 11, Founding member of NGHG and many supporting efforts to our community. Thank you for your life long service.
Posted by: Laure P.
Donald Lee Peterson WWII and Korea Navy, RD 2 GA