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S/Sgt Barney Jefferson Wiley, Army
S/Sgt Barney Jefferson Wiley, Army
Barney Jefferson Wiley, husband and father, who did not come home.
Sgt Davis E. Lioret, Air Force
Sgt Davis E. Lioret, Air Force
Posted by: June L.
Posted by: June L.
Vietnam claimed many of the best young men of the '60s & '70s. He was one of the later ones.
Capt. Brunswig Sholars, Army
Capt. Brunswig Sholars, Army
Posted by: June L.
Posted by: June L.
One of the Greatest Generation.
Joseph C. Register Jr, Army
Joseph C. Register Jr, Army
Posted by: June L.
Posted by: June L.
Joseph, one of the Greatest Generation. He brought honor to his country and family through his 99th year.
Barney Jefferson Wiley, Army
Barney Jefferson Wiley, Army
BARNEY J. WILEY. He saw the Army Air Corps as a way to move up after World War II. Sadly, the war claimed him.