Remember Messages

Gerald Diercks, Army
Gerald Diercks, Army, Private
Posted by: Kelly Wolterman
In loving memory of my father, Gerald Diercks, and in honor of his military service in Europe during World War 2.
John Stella, Army
John Stella, Army
Posted by: Doug Reid
In honor of the military service of Coach John Stella. Thank you for your service and for the positive influence you have had on the lives of so many for so long.
Ralph Reid, Army
Ralph Reid, Army
Posted by: Doug Reid
In memory of our grandfather, Ralph Reid, U.S. Army, WWI
Robert Reid, Army
Robert Reid, Army
Posted by: Doug Reid
In honor of our Dad’s military service.
Alva George Lyman Grover, Army
Alva George Lyman Grover, Army
Born 9/29/1886
Posted by: Mary F.
Alva George Lyman Grover, a brave and honorable man who lost his life too soon